I don't know, Sid.
Something's not right. Trust me.
Who's this girl?
Somebody that I met. Can we
stick with the issues here?
Look at this.
"L" ten, "R" seventeen,
"L" twenty.
Where does she work?
She doesn't work.
She's a student.
It's a combination.
Maybe it's the combination
to her gym locker.
You want an explanation?
I'll give you an explanation.
What are you gonna do,
borrow her sneakers?
She's a romantic.
It happens to be
the combination to her heart.
Yuck it up.
I need air, OK?
Gas is combustible.
One spark from the drill...
and ka-boom.
- That's it.
- Shit.
Oh, well. Come on.
I'm starving. I'm hungry.
I can't take this.
Good try, Sid.
Nice plan. Forget it.
Wait a minute. I got it.
We go with
the exact same plan...
only we don't drill
the gas line.
We drill the gym locker.
- The radiator.
- Exactly.
We show we're good samaritans.
We offer assistance.
What, and then...
"Oh, excuse me, sir.
"Can I get the bags of money,
We can't rule out
minor violence.
Come on. The guy's
an old fuckin' bastard!
There's three of us.
He's an old fucking bastard
with a gun.
Your wife just lost the only
paying job that we have.
I don't know how
you're gonna pay your rent...
but I just got
my eviction notice.
I can't do this.
What? What?
You got a message
from that security company...
Lion Security.
Did you apply there?
From Mr. Kott.
Probably wanted to say thanks.
What's to eat?
There's nothin' to eat.
Nothin' in here.
You said you ate.