might I ask?
You are penniless. You have no mount.
You know no-one.
To where would you remove yourself?
Have you some notion
of presenting yourself
at the Duke of Argyll's door
and soliciting his patronage
as his new champion?
I am Your Lordship's to command.
Remember your place, sir!
That's all I ask of any man.
What is next?
McGregor, My Lord.
You may go, Archibald.
You bear no arms?
I hadn't planned
on demanding terms at sword point.
Robert McGregor of Craigrostan,
My Lord.
So, McGregor...
I knew your father,
an able man, if not a wise one.
Have you taken on his mantle?
As best I may, My Lord.
So, how many men are you master of?
Master of none, My Lord,
but some 200 souls
live close by Craigrostan,
and they're in my care.
You are a profit and provider to them,
is that not so?
What I can, I do.
It is no great matter
compared to Your Lordship's work.