Rob Roy

Is that what passes for honour
with a McGregor?
What passes for honour with me
is likely enough
the same as with Your Lordship.

When my word is given,
it is good.
Well, you are to be congratulated
on such cheaply bought nobility.
Killearn will draw papers.
I will expect the terms to be met.
My thanks to Your Lordship.
Aye, but it's a fine,
bold signature you have,

worthy of a chieftain himself.
Are you Rob Roy McGregor?
I am. And what's your name?
Davey Anderson.
Hello, Davey Anderson.
Even the servant boys
know who you are.

You've become a famous reiver
and retriever in your own lifetime.

Business and profit.
And a soft winter.
Are you Rob Roy McGregor?
I am.
I'm Will Guthrie.
You heard of me?
No, I have not.
Well, I've heard of you.
And what have you heard, Mr Guthrie?
I heard you backstabbed Tam Sibbald.
Were you and Tam kin?
Near enough.
I shagged his sister.
Likely so did Tam.
You want the wind
let out of your bladder?

What's your business with me, Guthrie?
