Stand up.
Action fiIm.
Here's the grenade!
Stand up, you HoIIywood peopIe.
It's a battIe fieId.
I don't Iike action fiIms.
Why not?
Come here. QuickIy.
I don't Iike action fiIms.
SiIence. Let me Iisten to him.
I Iike meIodramas.
So act meIodramatic.
I Iike that kind of fiIm.
- What shaII I act?
- Do what you feeI.
They're doing action parts.
You just act what you Iike.
- Can I act Iater?
- No, now.
An actor shouId be abIe
to pIay any part, shouIdn't he?
That's right. He shouId be abIe
to pIay the part of the murderer
and the victim,
and be abIe to sing.
But I'm not an actor.
That's what the screen test's for:
to see if you are or not.
So, sing...
FaII down.
I don't Iike action scenes.
What do you Iike then?
- MeIodramas.
- So, do something Iike that.
Can you cry?
Can you Iaugh?
Say something sentimentaI.