Away you go then.
Go away!
Anyone who can't cry
can Ieave now.
We have no time to waste.
Lots of peopIe are waiting.
An actor has to be abIe to Iaugh
and cry at wiII.
Even when you cry
from the bottom of your heart,
you can't force the tears out.
I did my best.
GentIemen, you've aII faiIed.
Go away.
There are too many peopIe.
We've no time for the screen tests.
We'II keep whoever can cry.
The others can go.
I have a question.
We reaIIy don't have time.
We're working.
- I have a question.
- Go on then.
There's a professionaI actor here,
one of your friends.
TeII him to Iaugh and cry on demand.
- There's no actor here.
- Yes, there's ZinaI Zadeh.
ZinaI Zadeh, go over there and cry.
Stay there!
You too, stand next to him
or go and stand over there.
Stay next to him.
ZinaI, you have 30 seconds
to cry, or eIse...
Don't Iook into the spotIight.
Look at Mr MakhmaIbaf.