Are you sad right now?
Yes, I'm shaking.
My hands and body feeI Iike ice.
How do you mean?
When I'm sad,
I feeI icy aII over.
I'II count to ten.
- Cry if you can...
- There.
Come here.
Look at my hands.
Why are you crying, FeizoIIah?
Choose me, I beg you.
Is being an actress
so important?
- Yes.
- Why?
I Iove it.
- So important you cry about it?
- Yes.
So cry and say:
''I want to act''.
- I want to act.
- Face the camera.
I want to act.
Who's crying?
I'm not crying,
but I reaIIy Iove acting.
There's no need to be weak and cry.
I'm shivering,
but I reaIIy want to act.
PIease choose me.
I want to act!
You're making me cry.
I can't take it anymore!
I'd Iike to act.
I'd Iike to be in fiIms.
I can't wait any Ionger.
Wait for what?
Wait for my day to come...
But you're onIy 16!
It doesn't matter. I Iove acting.
Now you, FeizoIIah.
I don't know.
If you couId fiIm us,
that'd be fine.
We went to so much troubIe
to be accepted.
In prison, you didn't cry
even under torture.
Your turn.
There's no one
to puII strings for me.
I came from a Iong way away
because I remember acting
in the attic,
from the age of 3 or 4.
I want to be an actress
and I wiII be.
And if anyone tries to stop me,
I'II make my own fiIm
just so I can act in it.