I'd Ieave and stay humane.
- Leave and stay humane?
- Yes, of course.
It's up to you.
You see, I chose art
for its humanity.
I've noticed that an artist
has more respect for a mosquito
than other peopIe,
Iike engineers
who Iive with formuIas
rather than with feeIings.
- An artist is more humane.
- Are you staying?
It wouId destroy me
if I gave up art.
But if you think that, by going,
I'II stay human, I'II go.
If you stay, you'II be an artist.
If you go, you'II be more humane.
So wiII you.
The one who wants to be an artist
can stay.
The one who wants to be more humane
shouId go and not turn round.
I want to be more humane,
so I'II go,
but it'd destroy me
to have to give up art.
You have to choose
in difficuIt conditions.
- I'm Ieaving.
- Quiet pIease.
If you want to be artists, stay.
If you want to be humane, go.
We're going.
If you have the sIightest doubt,
come back. If not, then go.
Go and prevent them from Ieaving.
Make them come back.