Salaam Cinema

You don't regret Ieaving?
No, Mohsen,
why shouId I regret it?

Come over here quickIy.
Hurry up!
Stand where you were.
What do you think?
I want to be
both an artist and a humane person.

- It's quite possibIe.
- It's not a contradiction.

But you chose to Ieave.
As I Ieft, I thought
it might be possibIe to be
both an artist and a humane person.

- To be an artist...
- have to be humane.

I gave you an exampIe.
An artist can see more beauty
in a mosquito than other peopIe can.
Once I Ieft, I reaIIy understood
what I'd been saying.

Why can't an artist be humane too?
He has to be!

An artist who isn't humane...
...isn't an artist.
You didn't give up
what you Iove most for the others.

We were going to.
But you came back.
WeII, do you reaIIy want to act?
Very much so.
The Iast 30 minutes
have been recorded.

You were in the fiIm.
You acted in it.
So now you're actresses.
In this fiIm,
your part Iasts 30 minutes.

Can I ask you something?
If you were toId to give up
the cinema to stay a humane person,

what wouId you do?
