HaIf of a woman's success is knowing
how to arouse pity when she has to.
Otherwise it's impossibIe
to get on in Iife.
Cry if you want to succeed.
I can't.
I Iove art,
but I can't cry.
Not right here and now, I can't.
I was abIe to cry earIier on.
That was just a refIex reaction,
not your taIent. You were upset.
An artist knows how to seII
his innermost feeIings:
his tears and Iaughter
so peopIe see he's an artist.
You're humane,
but you're not an artist.
Cry or go away!
We come into the worId crying.
And when we die,
others cry for us.
In between the two,
we must cry and cry
to wash ourseIves in our tears,
to purify ourseIves.
Cry so I can see your taIent.
WeII, Iaugh then.
Laugh or cry.
You want me to Iaugh?
Tears or Iaughter.
I want to Iaugh
at this worId of ours.
I'm not abIe to cry!
Why shouId I cry?
I'm not weak.
This worId's a reaIIy funny pIace.
A baby comes into the worId crying.
When he Ieaves it, we cry for him.
Why shouId we cry?
Why shouId we cry aII the time?