Good morning, Miss Marianne.
How did you find the silver?
Was it all genuine?
- When may we expect your brother?
- Edward is due tomorrow.
He will not stay long. Will Margaret
give up her room for him?
The view is incomparable, and I
want him to see Norland at its best.
Mrs. Dashwood.
Miss Dashwood. Miss Marianne.
My brother, Edward Ferrars.
Do sit down.
Where is Miss Margaret? I'm
beginning to doubt of her existence.
Forgive us, Mr. Ferrars. My youngest
is shy of strangers at present.
I am shy of strangers myself,
and I have nothing like her excuse.
How do you like your view,
Mr. Ferrars?
Very much. Your stables are handsome
and beautifully kept.
Your windows overlook the lake.
An error led me to a family room,
but I've rectified the situation.
I am happily installed
in the guest quarters.
They're all spoilt. Miss Margaret is
always up trees and under furniture.
I've barely had a civil word
from Marianne.