Sense and Sensibility

I'm to go as her servant, on the
understanding I'll be badly treated.

- What will your duties be?
- Sword fighting and swabbing.

Which will take precedence?
All I have ever wanted
is the quiet of a private life.

But my mother is determined
to see me distinguished.

Orator. Politician. Even a barrister
would do. if I drove a barouche.

What do you wish for?
I prefer the church, but that is not
smart enough for my mother.

She prefers the army,
but that is too smart for me.

- Would you stay in London?
- I hate London.

Country living is my ideal. A small
parish where I might do some good.

Keep chickens ...
Give very short sermons.

You feel idle and useless.
Imagine how that is compounded -

- when one has no choice
of any occupation whatsoever.

Our circumstances are therefore
precisely the same.

Except that you will inherit
your fortune.

We cannot even earnyours.
Perhaps Margaret is right.
Piracy isyour only option.

What is swabbing exactly?
"No voice divine the storm allayed.
No light propitious shone."

'When snatched from all effectual
aid, we perished, each alone."

"But l, beneath a rougher sea, and
whelmed in deeper gulfs than he ..."
