"lt gives me great pleasure to
restore this atlas to its owner."
"Business prevents my delivering it,
which will hurt me more than you."
"Memories of your kindness must
sustain me. and I remain -
- your devoted servant,
E.C. Ferrars."
- Why hasn't he come?
- He says he's busy, dear.
- He said he'd come. Why hasn't he?
- I'm taking you for a walk.
- It is going to rain.
- It is not going to rain.
I fear
Mrs. Jennings is a bad influence.
- You must miss him. Elinor.
- We are not engaged, Mamma.
- But he loves you, dearest.
- I am by no means assured of that.
And had he such a preference,
there would certainly be obstacles -
- to his marrying a woman of no rank
who cannot afford to buy sugar.
- But your heart must tell you ...
- It is better to use one's head.
- It can't be good for me.
- It is. Stop complaining.
- It's giving me a cough.
- It is not giving you a cough.
It's lovely. Come on, catch up!
- Over there is a field of rabbits.
- I don't want to see rabbits.
- Is anything superior to this?
- I told you it would rain.