Fat Yu? That fat pig!
Please hurry.
bring me the red dress.
Hurry up!
It's next to the green one.
The red one!
Don't you understand?
Have you ever seen blood?
Can't you do anything right?
They've stuck me with a moron!
A half-wit!
Calm down, Miss.
I'll help you.
Buzz off.
Pretending, you're pretending
Don't bother pretending
You can't wait to look at me
Don't be shy, take a good look
Don't bother pretending
We have the same tastes!
Mr. Yu, do you think
she sings well?
She looks better
than she sings!
I love it
when she sings this song.
A lot of people sing it...
but not as well as her.
Listen. Listen carefully.
It comes and goes...
as softly
as a goose's feather, right?
Yes, it's interesting.
Isn't it!