and since he was a
favorite of the Queen's
Queen Bess, he used to call her
smoking caught on as a fashion at court.
I'm sure Old Bess must have shared
a stogie or two with Sir Walter.
Once, he made a bet with her that
he could measure the weight of smoke.
You mean, weigh smoke?
Exactly. Weigh smoke.
You can't do that.
It's like weighing air.
I admit it's strange. Almost
like weighing someone's soul.
But Sir Walter was a clever guy.
First, he took an unsmoked cigar and
put it on a balance and weighed it.
Then he lit up and smoked the cigar,
carefully tapping the
ashes into the balance pan.
When he was finished, he
put the butt into the pan
along with the ashes and
weighed what was there.
Then he subtracted that number from the
original weight of the unsmoked cigar.
The difference was the
weight of the smoke.
He's a writer.
Lives in the neighborhood.
And what kind of writer
is he? An underwriter?
Very funny. Some of the
cracks you make. Tommy,
sometimes I think you
should see a doctor.
You know, go in for some
wit therapy or something.
To clean out the valves in your brain.
It was just a joke, Auggie.
The guy's a novelist.
Paul Benjamin. You ever hear of him?
That's a stupid question.
The only things you guys
read is the Racing Form
and sports pages of the Post.