
You think it was easy to come
here and walk into this place?

Why would I do it if I didn't have to?
That's what you told me when I
shoplifted that necklace for you.

You remember, baby, don't you?
The judge gave me a choice:
either enlist or go to the can.

So I wind up in the navy for four
years, instead of going to college

I watch men lose their arms and
legs, I nearly get my head blown off,

and you, sweet Ruby McNutt, you run
off and marry that asshole, Bill.

You didn't write to me
for more than a year.

What was I supposed to think?
Yeah, well, I lost my pen. By the time I
got a new one, I was clean out of paper.

It was over with Bill
before you ever came home.

Maybe you don't remember it now, but
you were pretty hot to see me back then.

You weren't so lukewarm
yourself. At least at first.

It fizzled, baby.
That's the way it goes.

But we had our good
times? It wasn't all bad.

A couple of moments,
I'll grant you that.

And that's how Felicity
came into the picture.

During one of those two seconds.
You're conning me, sweetheart.
I ain't responsible for no baby.

I thought I could handle it.
I didn't want to bug you.
I thought I could handle it on my own,
and I couldn't.
She's in it real bad, Auggie.
Nice try, old girl. I'd
like to help you out.

You know, for old time's sake.
But I really can’t right now. All my spare cash is tied up
in a business venture, and I haven't collected my profits yet.
