Sit down in that chair.
Now listen carefully.
Your Aunt Em came here
a couple of days ago.
She was sick with
worry, out of her mind.
We had an interesting
talk about you, Thomas.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
Your aunt thinks you're
in trouble and so do I.
Tell me about it, kid. I want
to hear all about it right now.
You don't really want to know.
I don't, huh? And what makes you such an
authority on what I want or don't want?
Okay, okay.
It's all so stupid.
There's this guy, see. Charles Clemm.
The Creeper, that's what people call him.
The kind of guy you don't
want to cross paths with.
I crossed paths with him. That's why I'm
trying to stay clear of my neighborhood.
To make sure I don't run into him again.
So that's the something you
weren't supposed to see, huh?
I just happened to be walking by...
All of a sudden, the Creeper and this other
guy come running out of this check-cashing place
with masks on their faces
and guns in their hands...
They just about ran smack into me.
The Creeper recognized me, and
I knew he knew I recognized him...