Something to Talk About

Dad's got him down to the low two's.
Dad wants me to go out to dinner
with clients, so I'll be home by 1 1:00.

Kiss the doodlebug for me.
Hey, Grace. It's me. This meeting
took longer than we thought.

Dad wants me to go out to dinner
with these clients--

That's Daddy's car.
Baby, wait here.
You're busted.
-Hi, Daddy!
-Get in the car.

Jesus Christ.
Get your ass out here, now.
Excuse me a second.
-Call 91 1 !
-Good luck!

-Is that your nightgown?
-We came to get you.

Hi, tadpole. I'll put you in the car.
It's way past your bedtime.
What are you doing up?

Get in the car, Grace.
Sweetheart, are you in?
-Get in the car.

Will you please get in?
You're making a spectacle of yourself.
