Do you want to go into therapy?
Tell me what you want to do.
I don't know. You want
an answer right this minute?
You call the shots, Grace.
You think you're high and mighty,
but let me tell you this:
If I live long enough, and I will...
...l'm going to pull you down
off that fancy horse of yours...
...and shove your face in the muck.
So help me.
Better go.
Hey, Jamie.
-Is Grace here?
-Yeah, she is.
Can I speak to you for a second?
-What are you doing here?
It's late. Come back to bed.
I want to sleep here.
-You can see Possum in the morning.
-Let me stay.
-I'll read you a story.
-I want to stay here.
You're too big for me to drag around.
-Say good night to Possum.
-Good night, Possum.
-Yeah, baby?
Are you gonna get a divorce?
Oh, honey.
My sweetie.
Don't you worry about anything, okay?
Please don't worry.
Everything's going to be okay.
All right? I'll work everything out.