I know you're disappointed in me.
No, for you, sweetie, not in you.
Will you take some advice
from an old lady?
You've got to take this bull by the horns,
so to speak.
-Will you see him?
-We're supposed to talk tonight.
He wants to go somewhere
where he thinks you won't make a scene.
Deep in his heart,
he knows there is no such place.
Oh, no. You meet him at home.
-And if I were you....
I'd make him something special
for his supper.
I think it's more complicated than that.
I'll say it again.
Make him something special he won't
forget, ever. Here. Make him that.
'"Poached salmon
with mint mustard sauce.
'"Olive oil, honey, teaspoon....'"
-My God, but this is--
-No, it's not lethal in that small dose.
It will, however,
make him as sick as the dog he is.
You must tell him you've done it,
or it won't help.
I always told Lloyd that
if he hit me where I lived...
...he could expect the same from me.
I just think of it
as homeopathic aversion therapy.
Sometimes a near-death experience
helps them put things in perspective.
Yes, ma'am.
-No, thanks.
-Who's that Gramps is on there?
-That's Pride's Soldier Boy.
That's when he won the Grand Prix.