Why do you do that when Gramps rides?
-Do what?
-Stand up and give that little wave.
It's just one of those things that happens.
First time he came in there, he was looking
so handsome, I stood right up.
Then it got to be kind of a tradition.
Oh, God!
-What are you making?
-Salmon with mint mustard sauce.
-Salmon with mint mustard sauce?
-Aunt Rae gave me the recipe.
She assures me it's unforgettable.
Everything you make is unforgettable.
Please, don't start trying to charm me.
That's not what this is about.
Want a drink? I'm getting a drink.
I don't know what we're doing.
What, this?
Oh, yes, you do.
You know what this is?
This is the start of my punishment.
I didn't come here to fight.
You said you wanted to get together
to talk, so talk.
I wasn't going to do this.
I wasn't even going to get married.
Here it comes.
How many times will I hear:
'"l wasn't going to get married,
I was going to be a vet'"?
-That's right.
-Why the hell didn't you?
Because, Eddie, I got pregnant, remember?
Nobody made you quit.
-Then why did you get married?
-Why'd you ask me?
-You're the one who's still dating!
Honestly, Grace,
I didn't think you'd say yes.