Strange Days

feeling the adrenaline
pumping through your veins, huh?

Or...see that guy with the drop-dead
Filipino girlfriend?

Wouldn't you like to be that guy
for 20 minutes, the right 20 minutes?

I can make it happen and you won't
even tarnish your wedding ring.

- Sounds good.
- See, I can get you what you want.

I can get you anything.
Just talk to me.

You have to trust me,
cos I'm your priest.

I'm... I'm your shrink.
I am your main connection to the,
uh...switchboard of souls.

I'm the magic man.
Santa Claus of the subconscious.

You say it, you think it,
you can have it.

You want a girl?
You want two girls?

I don't know what your thing is,
what you're curious about.

You want a guy?
Maybe you want to be a girl. Hey...
Think of that. Be a girl.
See what that feels like.
Maybe you want a nun to tie you up.

It's all doable.
Talk to me about costs.
Before we get to numbers, I want you
to try a taste. I got a deck with me.

- Right here?
- Step into my office.

You were just an 18-year-old girl
taking a shower.

You're beginning to see
the possibilities here?
