You know how it is.
If we be cool, they gonna be cool.
I can't afford no trouble.
I'm upset.
A man can't do shit in this town.
I ain't going back, Iris. I don't
give a fuck. I ain't going back.
(Cop) Driver,
step out of the vehicle.
Get down on your knees. Put
your hands behind your head...now!
(2nd cop) Everyone else,
out of the car.
Damn, man. What the hell
you pull me over for?
If I went slower,
I'd have been parked.
Get down on your knees,
put your hands behind your head.
Put your hands on
the hood of the car.
Don't move. You, too.
I suppose you had suspects fitting
our description in the area.
Is that it? What was the description?
Two black males in a car?
Ow! Fuck!
You know what? You pulled over the
wrong black male tonight, officer...
What is it? Steckler.
Officer Steckler!
I'm that 800-pound
gorilla in your mist.
I make more money in a day
than you make in a whole year.
My lawyer loves spending my money
dragging Aryan, Robocop fuckers
like you into court.
Get a man down on the ground
with no probable cause.
- Shut the fuck up.
- He didn't...
Shut up and get back over there!
- You all right, man?
- Motherfucker kicked me, man.
- It's that rap-ass.
- You're that rapper puke.
Jeriko One?
You're the one that's been getting
all the gangbangers together,
forming citizen groups,
trying to rake the LAPD
over a cheese grater?
Yeah. That's right.
And you gonna be in my next song.
It's gonna be called Robo-Steckler.
It's all about a cop
who met his worst nightmare,
a nigger with enough political juice
to scrunch his ass like a stink bug.
- You gonna be famous, fucker!
- I don't think so.