Once the fire starts, the cops'll
cap off anything that moves.
It'll be an all-out war.
I don't think so.
Maybe it's time for a war.
You really want that
on your head, Mace, huh?
Whoever did Iris did Tick.
It's the same sick wirehead shit.
It's the same reason
to burn the trail.
If Faith knows anything about this,
- and she does...
- Somebody's going to kill Faith?
# Yeah, you're not rid of me
# No, you're not rid of me
# I'll make you lick my injuries
# I wanna twist your head off, see?
# Till you say don't you wish
you never, never met her?
# Don't you, don't you wish
you never, never met her?
# Don't you, don't you wish
you never, never met her?
# Don't you, don't you wish
you never, never met her?
# Don't you, don't you wish
you never, never met her?
# Don't you, don't you wish
you never, never met her?
# Don't you, don't you wish
you never, never met her? #
Jesus, Lenny, you scared
the fuck out of me!
- What do you want?
- We know about Jeriko.
- Iris gave me a copy of the tape.
- I wanted to keep you out of this.
- How did it happen?
- Why was Iris with Jeriko, wired up?
Faith, listen...
Look at me. Look at me.
You gotta trust us.
We're here to help you.
All right. I'll talk to you alone.
- Mace is in this.
- Tell us.
Philo, he's gotten
obsessed with playback.