A little semi-pro in Canada.
It was a long time ago.
Come by some afternoon.
I'll show you the difference between
the game you played and the one I play.
I can see the difference.
I got this one, man.
You boys have fun?
Luc Robitaille talked to me,
and we saw Brad Tolliver close up.
Your friends are gonna
be so jealous of you.
- I wanna go with Icey.
- So does Tyler.
Icey has to hit the stands, guys.
I'll see you later.
Andrew, this is Emily and Tyler.
- Be right back.
- Come. I want to show you something.
Whoa! Cool!
Thas why you won't hear
anyone complain about my cooking.
- At least not to my face.
- You got a burnt-out light bulb.
Could you change it?
I've got my hands full.
Is that what Daddy does,
change light bulbs?
No, Emily.
He's just helping out.
- Firemen don't do that kind of stuff.
- What kind of stuff?
- Uh, nothing.
- When are we gonna sit down?