# She's just the girl
# She's just the girl, the girl you want
# She's just the girl
# She's just the girl
Listen up, cos I'm only
tellin' you this once.
I'm not a bedtime-story lady,
so pay attention.
It's 2033. The world is screwed now.
A while ago, this humongous comet
came crashin' into the earth.
Bam! Total devastation.
End of the world as we know it.
No celebrities, no cable TV.
No water! It hasn't rained in 11 years.
Now 20 people gotta squeeze inside
the same bathtub. So it ain't all bad.
That's me, the one in the mask.
No, the other one in the mask!
Today's my boyfriend's birthday, so
I'm out shopping for that perfect gift.
Whatever I can scrounge up.
Uh-oh! Ripper raptors.
The Rippers are a demonic army
of bloodthirsty, human-eating,
purse-snatchin', mutant creatures.
Witness Exhibit A.
Euch! You are so dead. They're led
by the infamous Johnny Prophet.
They spend most of their time raidin'
the WP. That's short for Water and Power.
They control most of the water,
and got all the power.