You just gotta think about it like...
the first time you got laid.
You just gotta go:
"Daddy, are you sure this is right?"
- You're sick.
- How come you do that?
How come you always cover
your mouth when you smile?
You got bad teeth or somethin'?
- I don't know.
- Come on.
What do you say we bolt?
I'm really startin' to like it here.
People are nice, food's great,
and I love my job.
I can see why you wanna hang around!
It's really hard for me...
to play with myself in this thing.
That's a shame.
Look, you want to play, I'll play.
And I'll win.
No. Not if it's Monopoly,
cos I really kick ass at that game.
But... I get to be the shoe.
I'm going to ask you just one more time.
Do you want to work
for Water and Power?
Yeah! That sounds groovy.
Do I get to wear
a cute little outfit like yours?