Tank Girl

See hell, go to hell.
Oh, my God. It's the Elephant Man!
Hey, Quasimodo guy! We're hungry
in here. How 'bout some food?

Now you've done it!
So, like,
what are your names?
- Gimme the gas.
- And, like, what are you doing here?

Is it true what they say
about guys with big shoes?

- Yeah.
- He asked you a question. Answer it!

Hey, I have two words for you.
Brush your teeth!
They're spies. They got
Water and Power logos all over.

Yeah, I was thinking that,
but then I was also thinking

that if they are Water and Power...
No, no, no, no!
Why would they come here advertisin' it?
Check it out. Tattoos.
Wonder where else they got 'em.

I don't think those are tattoos.
Who would want some alphabet soup?

I'd rather have a dragon or somethin'
more Aquarian-related, you dig?

- They're prisoner stamps.
- Prison, my ass.

That's exactly what they want us to think.
Or, better yet, that isn't
what they want us to think.

That way we'll think
what they think we might think,

- but actually...
- Booga.
