The American President

If there had been a TV
in every living room 60 years ago...

...this country does not elect a man
in a wheelchair.

So what are you saying?
That we'll take a hit.
How big?
Five points, maybe more.
- We're talking here about five points?
- Could be more.

I'd drop five points if Wisconsin doesn't
make it to the Rose Bowl.

Five ball in the corner.
Want me to have Kodak put together
some numbers so we know?

No! I don't want a checkup polling sample
to see if it's okay...

:24:32 I'm asking permission
to stay out an hour past curfew.

This is not the business
of the American people.

With all due respect, sir...
...Americans have a funny way of deciding
what is and what is not their business.

I like her, A.J.
Stop being my chief of staff
for one minute.

Give her a call.
She didn't say anything about me?
She did say you were taller
than she thought you'd be.

Well, that's something.
Yes, sir.
I need you to track down
a phone number for me.

It wasn't funny.
I acted like a college freshman
at a protest rally.

Tell him about walking out the wrong door.
I forgot about that.
No, I don't want to hear
your Andrew Shepherd imitation.

I want to hear it.
I'm hanging up now, Richard.
Tonight I was gonna go to bed early
and wake up when there's a new president.

The President must think
I'm a third-rate jerk.

If he thinks you're a jerk,
he thinks you're a first-rate jerk.

I'll tell you one thing, boy. I regrouped.
You gotta give me that.
I pulled it together at the end.

I stood in the middle of the Oval Office and
made it totally clear that from now on...

...he who doesn't take the GDC seriously,
does so at his peril.
