The American President

No, sir.
How many people work in the building?
We went through this.
How many people work
in the damn building?

I have the numbers here, Mr.President.
There are three shifts.

The fewest. What shift has
the fewest people? The night shift?

By far, sir. Mostly custodial staff--
What time does the night shift start?
They're on now, sir.
Sir, it's immediate...
:55:35's decisive, it's low-risk...
...and it's a proportional response.
Someday someone has to explain to me
the virtue of a proportional response.

Once our planes have cleared
Libyan airspace, you can call the press.

But I don't know
when we'll have the full B.D.A.

- General Rork says around 0800.
- 0800?

Sir, what do you think
about a national address?

Last thing I want to do
is put the Libyans center stage.

I think it's a great idea.
You know Rumson will talk about
your lack of military service.

It's not about Rumson.
What I did tonight
was not about political gain.

Yes, but it can be, sir.
What you did tonight
was very presidential.

Somewhere in Libya right now...
...a janitor's working a night shift
at Libyan Intelligence Headquarters.

He's going about doing his job...
...'cause he has no idea in about an hour
he's going to die in a massive explosion.

He's just going about his job 'cause...
...he has no idea that about an hour ago...
...I gave an order to have him killed.
You've just seen me do
the least presidential thing I do.
