I'm sure he wouldn't be able
to read it by himself...
...and he'll need help
understanding all this.
First and most of all...
...I love you both very much.
And although I feel fine,
I thought I'd put my affairs...
...excuse that word, in order."
I can't believe she's making jokes.
"After going through
the safe deposit box...
...I'm sure you'll find your way
to this letter.
It's hard to write this
to my own children.
I could let this die
with the rest of me, I suppose.
But as one gets older...
...one's fears subside.
What becomes more and more important...
...is to be known.
Known for all that you were
during this brief stay.
How sad it seems to leave this earth...
...without those you love the most
ever really knowing who you were.
It's easy for a mother to love
her children, no matter what.
I don't know
if it's as simple for children.
You're all so busy being angry
at us for raising you wrong.
His name was Robert Kincaid.
He was a photographer
and he was here in 1965...
...shooting a National Geographic
...on the covered bridges
of Madison County.
Remember when we got that issue,
when we got the subscription...
...how we felt like celebrities?"
That's Roseman Bridge.