If you want more....
Aren't you afraid to have those in here?
I'm so sorry I did that.
I don't know why...
...why I said that.
Where are you staying?
Some place with small cabins.
Something or other motor inn.
I've got it written down,
but I haven't checked in yet.
And how long are you here for?
I don't know, maybe 4 or 5 days,
a week on the outside.
As long as it takes to do the work.
Where's your family?
My husband took the kids
to the state fair.
My daughter is entering a prize steer.
How old?
A year and a half.
No, I meant the kids.
Michael is 17.
And Carolyn is 16.
That's nice, having kids.
They're not kids anymore.
Things change.
They always do.
One of the laws of nature.
Most people are afraid of change,
but if you look at it...
...as something you can count on,
then it can be a comfort.
There's not many things
you can really count on.
I guess.
I'm one of those people
it frightens, I think.
I doubt that.
Why do you say that?