You sound like an artist.
I wouldn't say that.
National Geographic
likes their photos in focus...
...and not too much personal comment.
I don't mind really.
I'm no artist.
That's one of the curses of being
too well-adjusted, too normal.
I don't think you're so normal.
I didn't mean it in the way...
...in the way that it sounded.
We'll just chalk it up
to a compliment...
...and move on.
Did you just love teaching?
Yes, when there was a particular student
who can make a difference....
They're all supposed to, but they don't.
You tend...
...to single out 1 or 2 who you think
you can contribute something to.
-And did you?
-I hope so. One went to medical school.
Why'd you quit?
My children, my kids.
...Richard didn't like my working.
But you miss it, obviously.
I never think about it.
What's the most exciting place
that you've ever been?
-Unless you're too tired to talk.
-Most exciting....
You're asking if a man's tired of
talking about himself? Been out much?
Didn't mean to make
it sound like a dumb--
Maybe it's a little dull for you...
...telling this to some housewife
in the middle of nowhere.
This is your home.
This isn't nowhere.