The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love

God, I would've given anything
to go to the prom

if I'd had a girlfriend
in high school.

I went to the prom
with a girl.

- Your sister doesn't count.
- She's a good dancer.

Don't tell me you wouldn't want to go
to the prom with your girlfriend, Randy.

First off, I don't have a girlfriend.
Second off,
I think proms are stupid.

Third off,
if I went to the prom,

I would go with Frank.
Frank's a good dancer.
I'm teaching myself
how to read music, Regina.

Sounds like it.
Thanks a lot.
Well, if it isn't Anita Ekberg.
Could I speak to you
for a minute, babe?

No. I only have a few minutes.
God! That girl gets me crazy!
There. That's better.
What you got on
underneath that raincoat?

Why must you
torture me so?

What's up, Wendy?
Ali's getting
on my case again
