Yeah. Great.
No offence, but if I sent a picture of
your mom to my buddies at school,
she'd definitely be Boner of the Month.
I'm honoured. Is there anything
to do in this town besides eat?
Tons of stuff. Late-night pitch-and-putt.
Go to the livestock auction
and cruise the 4-H babes.
Throw stuff off the bridge.
What do you feel like doing?
Something a little more dangerous.
Sure. All you can handle, bro.
Look at 'em there.
Pretty maids all in a row.
I want the one on the left.
She's perfect.
Which one do you want? Huh? Huh?
- Does it make a difference?
- Oh, yeah.
Wait a second. Is this your first time?
Yeah, Tommy, it is.
You're gonna remember this
the rest of your life!
I can't believe you've never been
cow tipping before.
Get ready to live.
She's sleeping.
What you do is, you put your shoulder
into her, and you push.
- And?
- They fall over.
And this doesn't strike you
as kind of dumb?
We're family. We'll be doing
lots of dumb stuff together.
Wait till Christmas.
Keep your feet shoulder-width apart.
Stay between the udder and the hock.
It's a 32 Belly option. On two, on two.
Son of a...!
- Holy shnikes!
- Hey! Get off my property!
Run for it! Run for it!
- I'll save you, brother!
- Get away from me!
Get up! I love you!