Tommy Boy

Luke, I am your father.
I've interrupted Happy Time.
Your father wants you to check out
the delays at the loading dock.

I know you'd love to sit there and keep
being not slim, but we gotta work today.

- That was from Star Wars.
- I know.

RT, I think I figured out the problem.
This order's going to Columbus.

That's a one-day delivery,
but you've got it marked down for two.

That's because it's going to Columbus,
Georgia. Not Columbus, Ohio.

You see these letters by the city?
That's called a state.

What else you got, wonder boy?
That's pretty much it for now.
Go back to college for another seven
years and study a globe.

Tommy Callahan?
Michelle Brock. Chaparral High.

Oh, yeah, I remember.
I sat next to you in history.

You work here?
It's so bizarre that you work here.

Come on in. And forget about RT.
He's pissed off cos he recently
found out what a loser he is.

"What a loser he is".
Hey, nice! How come we don't put
the files in the file cabinets?

- I don't like file cabinets.
- Why not?

You have to open 'em.
My own system hasn't failed me yet.

All orders go through me,
which means I spend half
my pathetically anal life in here.

If I couldn't do things my way, I'd
freak out and blow up the whole town.

Hey, remember your brother Duane?
Whatever happened to him?

We used to go to Safeway and get
caught trying to steal doughnuts.

He's a cop.
He had to get a real job when my
parents moved to Cuyahoga Falls.
