Tommy Boy

That it's not good,
cos it spoils your dinner?

Tommy, this is not a vacation for me.
I'm here against my will. The least
you can do is pretend to work.

OK? Now let's review.
OK, you're right. Review time.
Let's do it up. Feed me!

What are the three grades
of brake pads?

Personal, commercial and agricultural.
What is our carrying charge
for the merchandise?

Oh, man...
- One and a...
- Half per cent! I knew that!

Why can't I remember it?
Try an association. Say the average
person uses ten per cent of their brain.

How much do you use?
One and a half per cent.

The rest is clogged with
malted hops and bong resin.

I gotta do this! I gotta do this!
I've gotta be the one. I've gotta do this.
It's gotta be me. It's gotta...
- Are you ready?
- Yeah. Sorry. I'm ready.

- Does this suit make me look fat?
- No. Your face does.

OK. Let's check you out.
- It's a clip-on.
- Are you sure?

It's sale time, so remember:
We don't take no...

- No shit from anyone!
- No.

- We don't take no prisoners.
- We don't take no for an answer.

We don't take no for an answer.
We don't take no for an answer.
We don't take no for an answer.

- No.
- Okey-dokey.

- No.
- Gotcha. Thanks.

Terrific. Thanks for your time.
Let me say
Well, then...
The spectrometer read-out
on the nickel-cadmium alloy mix

indicates a good rich fade, decreasing
incidence of wear to the pressure plate.

Whoa, little fella.
You're not speaking my language.

What my associate is trying to say
is that...

Our new brake pads are really cool.
You're not even gonna believe it.
