I killed it!
I killed my sale.
That's when I blow it.
That's when people like us have gotta
forge ahead, Helen. Am I right?
God, you're sick.
Tell ya what. I'll turn the fryers back
on and throw some wings in for ya.
Hey! Thanks, Helen.
Tommy likey.
Tommy want wingy.
Did that board to the head
knock something loose?
That 180 you pulled with the waitress.
Why can't you sell like that?
I was just having fun.
If we didn't get the wings, so what?
We still got that meat lover's pizza
in the trunk.
You were relaxed,
so you had confidence.
And that's what it takes to sell -
Your dad had that. Ugh, why do you
always have to de-turd these things?
My dad was smart. I'm not.
Very true.
But there's two types of smarts:
Book smarts, which waved
bye-bye to you long ago,
and street smart -
the ability to read people.
You know how to do that, like your dad.
He knew what people wanted to hear
and what people needed to hear.
That's what selling is about. The people
are buying you, not just brake pads.
Hey, everybody, it's Tony Robbins.
- Maybe you're right.
- I think I am.
Look at this guy. Caught him right after
Thanksgiving. I need a pooper-scooper.
I like your line, and I like your prices.
But there's a problem.
There's no guarantee on the box.
If something breaks down you can call
me, even if I'm home watching TV.
Callahan has guaranteed
every part sold since 1925.
Maybe so, but it's not on the box.
It should always be on the box,
comforting you, calling out
"I'll never let you down. "
"But if I do,
I'm gonna make things all better. "
Our brake pads are made
with non-corrosive...
Son, my customers need to see that
little label looking 'em right in the eye.