Now, where is that-- Oh.
Hey, who moved my doodle pad
way over here?
- How're you doin', Rex?
- Were you scared? Tell me honestly.
I was close to being scared that time.
I'm going for fearsome here,
but I just don't feel it.
I think I'm just
coming off as annoying.
Owl Oh, hi, Bo. Hi.
I wanted to thank you, Woody,
for saving my flock.
Oh, hey,
it was, uh, nothin'.
What do you say I get someone else
to watch the sheep tonight?
Oh, yeah!
Remember, I'm just
a couple of blocks away.
- Yodel-ay-hee-hoo!
- Come on, come on.
Smaller toys up front.
Hey, Woody, come on.
- Ahem!
- Oh, thanks, Mike.
- Okay- Whoa, whoa. Step back.
- For crying out loud.
- Thank you.
- Hello? Check.
That better? Great.
Everybody hear me? Up on the shelf,
can you hear me? Great.
Okay. First item today:
Uh... oh, yeah.
Has everyone picked a moving buddy?
- What?
- Moving buddy? You can't be serious.
I didn't know we were
supposed to have one already.
- Do we have to hold hands?
You guys think
this is a big joke.
We've only got one week
left before the move.
I don't want any toys left behind.
A moving buddy.
If you don't have one,
get one!
All right, next.
Uh, oh, yes.
Tuesday night's plastic corrosion
awareness meeting...
was, I think,
a big success.
And we wanna thank Mr. Spell
for putting that on for us.
- Thank you, Mr. Spell.
- You're welcome.
Okay. Uh, oh, yes.
One, uh, minor note here.
Andy's birthday party
has been moved to today.
- Wait a minute here!
What do you mean the party's today?
His birthday's not till next week!
What's goin' on down there?
Is his mom losin' her marbles?
Well, obviously she wanted to
have the party before the move.