Toy Story

- Yeah!
- Okay, come on, kids.
Everyone in the living room.
It's almost time for the presents.

All right, gangway, gangway.
And this is
how we find out...

- what is in those presents.
Okay, who's hungry?
Here come the chips!
I've got Cool Ranch
and barbecue! Ow!

What in the world-- Oh!
- I thought I told him to pick these up.
Shouldn't they be there by now?
What's taking them so long?

Hey, these guys are professionals.
They're the best.

Come on!
They're not lying down on the job.

G-G-Go on without me!
J-Just go!

A good soldier never
leaves a man behind.

- Okay, everybody, come on.
Everybody settle down.
Now, kids. Everybody-

You sit in a circle. No, Andy.
Andy, you sit in the middle there.

- Good. And- Which present
are you gonna open first?

- Mine!
- There they are.

Come in,
Mother Bird. This is Alpha Bravo.

- This is it! This is it!
Quiet, quiet, quiet!
- Come in, Mother Bird.

Andy's opening the first present now.
