Toy Story

Mom, have you seen Woody?
- Where was the last place
you left him?
- Right here in the van.

Oh, I'm sure he's there.
You're just not looking hard enough.

He's not here, Mom.
Woody's gone.

Woody's gone?
Yeah, boy,
the weasel ran away.

Huh? Huh?
I told you he was guilty.

Who would've thought he was capable
of such atrocities?

Oh, Slink,
hope he's okay.

Oh, a survivor.
Where's the rebel base? Talk!

I can see
your will is strong.

Well, we have ways
of making you talk.

Where are your rebel friends now?
Sid, your Pop Tarts are ready!
All right!
Are you all right?
I'm proud of you, Sheriff.

A lesser man would've talked
under such torture.

I sure hope
this isn't permanent.

Still no word from Star Command.
We're not that far from the space port.

The door. It's open!
We're free!

- Woody, we don't know what's out there!
- I'll tell you wha-

- They're gonna eat us, Buzz!
Do something quick!
- Shield your eyes.

It's networking. I recharged it
before I left, l-lt should be good for--

You idiot! You're a toy!
Use your karate chop action!

- Get away! Hoo-cha!
- Hey! Hey! How're you
doin' that? Stop that.

Back! Back,
you savages! Back!

- Woody, stop it!
- Sorry, guys, but dinner's canceled!

There's no place like home!
There's no place like home!

- There's no place like home.
