Why, sure you can, Buzz.
You can get me outta here.
Then I'll get that rocket off you,
and we'll make a break for Andy's house.
Andy's house, Sid's house.
What's the difference?
Oh, Buzz. You've had a big fall.
You must not be thinking clearly.
No, Woody. For the first time
I am thinking clearly.
You were right all along.
I'm not a Space Ranger.
I'm just a toy, a stupid,
little, insignificant toy.
Whoa, hey, wait a minute.
Bein' a toy is a lot better
than bein' a, a Space Ranger.
- Yeah, right.
- No, it is.
Look, over in that house is a kid
who thinks you are the greatest.
And it's not because
you're a Space Ranger, pal.
It's because you're a toy.
You are his toy.
But why would Andy want me?
Why would Andy want you? Look at you!
You're a Buzz Lightyear.
Any other toy would give up
his moving parts just to be you.
You've got wings.
You glow in the dark. You talk!
Your helmet does
that, that, that whoosh thing.
You are a cool toy.
As a matter of fact,
you're too cool.
mean, I mean, what chance
does a toy like me have...
against a Buzz Lightyear
action figure?
All I can do is--
There's a snake in my boots.
Why would Andy ever want
to play with me...
when he's got you?
I'm the one that should be
strapped to that rocket.
Listen, Buzz,
forget about me.
You should get outta here
while you can.