Drink, for you know not
whence you came, nor why.
Drink, for you know not
why you go, nor where."
...wandering around
in nothing but his underpants...
and one of those plastic,
see-through lady's raincoats.
So, they get there, they ask the guy
real nice for some kind of l.D.
He gets agitated,
starts screaming about viruses.
Totally irrational,
totally disoriented.
- Doesn't know where he is,
what day of the week it is.
- Lemme see.
- All they got was his name.
- Thanks.
Of course, they figured
he's stoned out of his mind.
Some kind of psychotic episode.
- He's been tested for drugs ?
- Negative for drugs.
But he took on five cops
like he was dusted to the eyeballs.
- No drugs. You believe that ?
- He's in restraints.
Yeah. Weren't you listenin' ?
I've got two police officers
in the hospital !
The medic gave him enough
stellazine to kill a horse.
Look at him. Rarin' to go.
That would explain the bruises,
I guess. The struggle.
Yeah. You wanna go in there,
examine him, what ?
Yes, please.
Is this all you have ?
Ran it through your system ?
No matchup. No license, no prints,
no warrants. Nothing.
- I should probably go in with you.
- No, thank you.
- That won't be necessary.
- All right.
He'll be right here...
just in case.
Mr. Cole, my name is Kathryn Railly.
I'm a psychiatrist.
I work for the county.
I don't work for the police.
So my concern is for your well-being.
Do you understand that ?
Need to go ! Need to go !
I can't make the police let you go.
But I do wanna help you, so l-