Let's go, ace.
All right.
Come on, come on.
There you go.
Now, lemme see your head, Jimbo.
- See if you got any creepy crawlers.
- I need to make a telephone call.
Got to take you over
to the doctor, Jimbo.
- Can't make no calls
'til the doctor says.
- It's very important !
What you gotta do, Jimbo,
is take it easy. Relax into things.
And we'll all get along fine
if you just relax.
Wow ! Whoo-oo !
Let's go.
Come on. Let's go.
Hey, Goines !
Yo, Goines !
Yo, Jeffrey !
Goines !
- What ?
- Look here.
This here's James. Now, do me a favor.
Why don't you show him around ?
Tell him the TV rules.
Show him the games and stuff. Okay ?
How much you gonna pay me ?
How much ? I'd be doin' your job.
- Five thousand dollars,
my man. That enough ?
- Five thousand ?
I'll wire a check
to your account as usual.
- Five thousand dollars !
Five thousand dollars !
- Five thousand dollars.
- I'll give him the deluxe
mental hospital tour.
- My man !
- Kid around, makes 'em
feel good. We're pals.
- I love you.
- You're the prisoners.
No, you're the guards.
- Now you got it.
Okay, it's all in good fun.
Here's some games here.
And there's-
Get out ! Get out !
- He was in my chair.