You're here
because of the system.
There's the television.
It's all right there.
All right there.
Look, listen, kneel, pray.
The commercials !
We're not productive anymore.
Don't make things anymore.
It's all automated.
What are we for then ?
We're consumers, Jim.
Okay, okay. Buy a lot of stuff,
you're a good citizen.
But if you don't buy a lot of stuff,
what are you then ?
What ?
You're mentally ill.
Fact, Jim. Fact ! lf you don't
buy things: toilet paper, new cars,
sexual devices, stereo systems
with brain-implanted headphones,
screwdrivers with miniature
built-in radar devices,
voice-activated computers-
Take it easy, Jeffrey.
Be calm !
That's right.
You're a very attractive woman.
Hah !
If you want to watch
a particular television program,
like All My Children,
you can go to the charge nurse
and tell her the day, the time
the show you wanna see is on.
But you have to tell her
before the show is scheduled to be on.
There was this guy, and he
was always requesting shows
that had already played.
Yes. No.
You have to tell her before.
He couldn't quite grasp the idea
that the charge nurse
couldn't make it be yesterday.
She couldn't turn back time !
Thank you, Einstein.
Now he, he was nuts.
He was a fruitcake, Jim.
Okay, that's it, Jeffrey.
You're gonna get a shot.
- I warned you.
- Right. Right, right, right.
I got a little carried away...
explaining the inner workings
of the institution to Jim.
Hmm ? Hmm ?
I don't really come
from outer space.
Oh. L.J. Washington.
He doesn't really come from outer space.
- Don't mock me, my friend.
Get outta my chair !
It's a condition
of mental divergence.
I find myself
on the planet Ogo.
Part of
an intellectual elite...
preparing to subjugate
the barbarian hordes on Pluto.