I go in to order a burger
in this fast-food joint.
The guy drops it on the floor.
Jim, he picks it up,
wipes it off.
He hands it to me
like it was all okay.
"What about the germs ?" I say.
He says, "l don't believe in germs.
Germs are a plot they made up so they
can sell you disinfectants and soaps."
Now, he's crazy, right ? See ?
There's no right. There's no wrong.
There's only popular opinion.
You, you, you believe in germs, right ?
I'm not crazy.
Of course not !
You wanna escape, right ?
That's very sane.
I can help you. You want me
to, don't ya ? Get you out ?
- You know how to get outta here ?
Yes, my son !
- Then why don't ya ?
- Why don't I try to escape ?
That's what you were gonna ask.
Good question.
Very good question. Intelligent.
Because I would be crazy to escape.
I have sent out word.
- I am all taken care of.
- What does that mean ?
I've managed to contact
certain underlings, evil spirits,
secretaries of secretaries,
and other assorted minions
who will contact my father.
And when my father finds out
I'm in this kind of place,
he'll have them transfer me
to one of those classy joints...
where they treat you properly,
like a person, a guest !
With sheets and towels
like a big hotel,
with great drugs for all of us
nut-case, lunatic, maniac devils !
Sorry. Uh, sorry.
I got a little agitated.
The thought of escape crossed my mind.
And suddenly-
Suddenly I felt like bending
the fucking bars back !
And ripping out the goddamn
window frames and eating them !
Yes, eating them !
And leaping, leaping, leaping !
Colonics for everyone !
Ahh, all right !
You dumb assholes, I'm a mental patient.
I'm supposed to act out.