- 1990 ?
- 1990 ?
- You're certain of that ?
- What'd you do with your time, Cole ?
Did you waste it on drugs ? Women ?
- They forced me to take drugs.
- Forced you ?
Why would someone
force you to take drugs ?
I was in trouble.
I... got arrested.
I... I did what you wanted.
I got a specimen, a spider.
I didn't have anyplace
to put it, so I ate it.
But you sent me to the wrong year,
so it really doesn't matter.
Did you see this when you went back ?
No, sir, I don't think so.
What about these people ?
Did you see any of these people ?
No. No.
Oh, wait, wait.
Him ? You saw that man ?
Maybe in the... maybe in
the mental institution.
You were
in a mental institution ? Oh, God.
Cole, you were sent back to make
some very important observations.
You could've made a real contribution.
Helped us to reclaim the planet.
As well as reducing your sentence.
The question is, Cole,
do you want another chance ?
- Good.
- Last connection going on.
- Stand clear.
- He was your choice.
- Nothing we can do about that now.