Twelve Monkeys

- No ! No ! Get in the car.
Get in the car !
I've got a gun ! Get in the car.

All right, drive.
Take my purse. I've got a lot of cash
and credit cards. Take my keys !

Start the car !
No !
Here, turn right.
Turn right here !

Wh-Where are we going ?
- Philadelphia.
- That's more than a hundred miles !

- That's why I can't walk there.
- Just let me go.

- Just drive !
- You can take the car.

I don't know how to drive.
I went underground when I was eight
years old. I told you that before.

At the next corner, turn right.
Cole. James Cole.
You escaped from
a locked room six years ago.

- Six years for you.
- Turn around. Get goin' !
- Okay.

I can't believe that
this is a coincidence, Mr. Cole.

- Have you been following me ?
- You said you would help me.

I know this isn't what you meant,
but I don't have any money.
I hurt my leg,
and I've been sleeping on the street.

I'm sure I smell bad.
Do you have any food in this car ?

You have been following me,
haven't you ?

