Under Siege 2: Dark Territory

There's a mop...
...a broom and a lot of smelly stuff
you want to avoid.


Who taught you that?
When I was 1 1 years old,
my uncle taught me all this neat stuff.


That's the dude that's with you?

...I guess.

I can do that.

What are you writing?
lt's a book. My memoirs, stuff like that.

Aren't you too young
to be writing your memoirs?


I know it's against the rules,
but give me a shot of something.

Can you put those up there?

What's up with that niece of yours,
Miss Bruce Lee?


She almost killed me.


You taught her all that shit?

I taught her a few things.
She's lucky she's a girl.

I know some of that stuff myself.
That's what I hear.
Usually from you, but that's what I hear.

Don't give him the brandy.
I need it for the cake.


Look at that.
Because the train is rocking,
it's cramping my style.

I'm making this for Sarah
because it's her favorite thing.


Fifteen minutes, on high.

The rest is up to God.

Now, go find Sarah, and we'll surprise her.

What was that?
lt's called a...
