Under Siege 2: Dark Territory

We are in. What have we got?

'"Phone book...
'"Chicken cannelloni...

'"...fruit salad with crystallized ginger.'"
Sounds good.

Where are we?
We're about right there.
There, about 200 miles,
is where we come out of the mountain.

We're without phones for four hours?

'"Ryback's Tactics.'"

Jesus Christ.
Who's Casey-fucking-Ryback?
Casey Ryback's a former SEAL Team
Captain, a counter-terrorist expert.


He was my instructor.
He's the best.
I thought you were.
Did you see the body she shot?
No, just a lot of blood.
If you get run over by a train--


Did you see the body?
I assumed he was dead.
Assumption is the mother of fuckups.

I want every man
to resume a full train search...

...inside and out, car by car.

Including all AC ducting, all paneling,
the roof, undercarriage.

Absolutely everything! Right now!

I can do this.
I can do this.

You think he's alive?
Until I have confirmation otherwise.

What is he doing on my train
besides killing your men?

Check the manifest.
See if he's traveling with anyone.


You said your million-dollar mercenaries
would be more than enough.

They are. Print that.
