Vampire in Brooklyn

Call me! I'm gonna take you for
an eight-piece special with biscuit!

Sheets, baby. Sheets!
You make me ex cited.

Come on down.
S-H-E-E-T. Sheets!
- That's what I'm talking about!
- Oh, shit.

- The bitch said it!
- Let me see...sheets!

Earthquake! Earthquake!
This ain't no earthquake,
this is New York, fool!

What was that?
- Oh, shit!
- What the fuck is going on?

What the hell happened?
Is this how people come,
disrespecting your shit, man?

Ain't that a bitch? What...?
It's a bird!
Get the hell away from me! Good God,
what the hell's happening here?

Damn. Look at this ugly thing.
Who the hell's piloting this vessel,
Stevie fucking Wonder?!

Must be a DUI.
I don't see no lights.

I don't see no people, either.
Damn, look at the time!

I gotta bounce, Unc,
I'm supposed to be at my lady's crib.

- Julius, bring your ass back here!
- I don't know about this!

I run numbers,
you check out spooky-ass ships!

- Go ahead with your bad self.
- Chump!

I'm not supposed to be scared, huh?
Ahoy there! Hello!
